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The North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) Association aims to advance and promote the AI research, education, spanning from elementary levels to university and career training, technology industrialization, and responsible use of artificial intelligence for the benefit of society, by fostering collaboration among AI professionals, academics, and industry leaders. Our goal is to make AI accessible and useful for everyone, enhancing learning, collaboration, and innovation in the professional world.

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Members of the North America AI Association (NAAIA) enjoy a range of benefits tailored to enhance their engagement with the AI community:

Access to NAAIA's online member directory.

Exclusive discounts on NAAIA-led conferences, symposia, and workshops.

Reduced pricing on a variety of NAAIA publications.

Member-only rates for partner events and sponsored academic journals.

Early notifications about upcoming NAAIA events and important deadlines.

Eligibility for NAAIA's educational scholarships, as well as recognition through various honors and awards.

Support for the advancement of AI research and development across the globe.

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    3507 Breakwater Ave, Hayward, CA 94545

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    Copyright © 2024. North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) Association